Sunday, November 19, 2023

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☕️ OpenAI investors push for return of ousted CEO Sam Altman

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This is your daily dose of ☕️ Techpresso, where you get the latest tech news of the day effortlessly.

Here's the latest tech news from the last 24 hours:

🎢 OpenAI investors push for return of ousted CEO Sam Altman
✈️ Airlines will make a record $118 billion in extra fees this year thanks to their websites
🚫 Disney, Apple and others stop advertising on X
💬 Nothing pulls its iMessage-compatible Chats app over privacy issues
👋 Meta disbanded its Responsible AI team

🎢 OpenAI investors push for return of ousted CEO Sam AltmanLINK

  • Meta has disbanded its Responsible AI (RAI) team, integrating most members into its generative AI product team and AI infrastructure team.
  • Despite the disbandment, Meta's spokesperson Jon Carvill assures continued commitment to safe and responsible AI development, with RAI members supporting cross-company efforts.
  • The restructuring follows earlier changes this year, amidst broader industry and governmental focus on AI regulation, including efforts by the US and the European Union.
  • ✈️ Airlines will make a record $118 billion in extra fees this year thanks to their websitesLINK

  • Airlines increasingly rely on ancillary sales such as seat selection and baggage fees to boost profits, with practices spreading across all carriers, including premium airlines.
  • Dark patterns—deceptive design strategies—are used by airlines on their websites to manipulate customers into spending more, with tactics like distraction, urgency, and preventing easy price comparison.
  • The U.S. Department of Transportation is working to enforce transparency in airline fees, requiring full price disclosure upfront, in response to rising consumer complaints about misleading advertising tactics.
  • 🚫 Disney, Apple and others stop advertising on XLINK

  • Disney and other major brands like Apple have pulled ads from X, following owner Elon Musk's endorsement of antisemitic conspiracy theories.
  • Musk has received widespread criticism and a White House condemnation for his statements, amid a backdrop of major advertisers withdrawing from the platform.
  • Despite efforts to control damage, a Media Matters report shows brands' ads were still placed next to pro-Nazi content, leading to Musk threatening legal action against the organization.
  • 💬 Nothing pulls its iMessage-compatible Chats app over privacy issuesLINK

  • Nothing has withdrawn its Nothing Chats app from the Google Play Store due to privacy concerns and unresolved bugs.
  • The app, intended to allow iMessage on the Nothing Phone 2, exposed users to risks, as messages could be unencrypted and accessed by the platform provider Sunbird.
  • Sunbird's system reportedly decrypted messages and stored them insecurely, while also misusing debug services to log messages as errors, prompting scrutiny and backlash.
  • 👋 Meta disbanded its Responsible AI teamLINK

  • Meta Platforms is restructuring its Responsible AI team to integrate the members into different parts of the company.
  • The shift aims to incorporate AI safety efforts directly into the development of Meta's core products and technologies.
  • The reorganization comes as Meta expands its generative AI capabilities, offering tools for content creation to advertisers.
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