Wednesday, September 6, 2023

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☕️ Gizmodo replaces Spanish staff with AI

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Hi there!

This is your daily dose of ☕️ Techpresso, where you get the latest tech news of the day effortlessly.

Here's the latest tech news from the last 24 hours:

🤖 Gizmodo replaces Spanish staff with AI
🚗 Connected cars are a “privacy nightmare,” Mozilla Foundation says
🇪🇺 EU designates six tech giants as 'gatekeepers'
📱 China orders government officials to not use iPhones at work
🌐 US plans vast AI fleet to counter China

🤖 Gizmodo replaces Spanish staff with AILINK

  • G/O Media has fired the team of Gizmodo en Español and replaced their work with AI translations of English articles.
  • There have been issues with the new approach, as some articles now contain noticeable errors and abruptly switch from Spanish to English due to translation glitches.
  • This move highlights a growing trend of media companies using AI tools to cut costs, despite criticism and concerns about the quality of automatically translated content.
  • 🚗 Connected cars are a “privacy nightmare,” Mozilla Foundation saysLINK

  • Modern cars collect enormous amounts of personal data and many car manufacturers insist on sharing or selling this sensitive information, such as disability status, genetic information and facial templates, according to a comprehensive study by the Mozilla Foundation.
  • The vast majority (92%) of car companies give drivers little to no control of their personal data, with the notable exceptions of Renault and Dacia, both European brands obligated to comply with GDPR privacy laws.
  • Nissan's privacy policy stands out as the most concerning, bluntly stating they can collect and share highly sensitive personal information for targeted marketing, but privacy concerns extend across the board, with all companies collecting substantial driver data, evidencing a broader problem with privacy in the car industry.
  • 🇪🇺 EU designates six tech giants as 'gatekeepers'LINK

  • The European Commission has declared six tech giants as "gatekeepers" of the EU's digital market that must follow its new Digital Markets Act to maintain a fair and open market.
  • These gatekeepers, providing 22 core platform services, have to allow more user autonomy, respect privacy, and promote fair business usage, under penalty of significant fines.
  • This list of gatekeepers is adaptable, and the DMA's enforcement is projected to offer more consumer choice and opportunities for smaller tech companies.
  • 📱 China orders government officials to not use iPhones at workLINK

  • China instructs central government employees to stop using foreign technology, including Apple's iPhone, in an effort to prevent the leaking of sensitive information.
  • In response to heightened tensions with the US and threats to its chip industry, China is demanding the replacement of foreign tech with locally produced, secure and controllable alternatives.
  • Despite Apple's substantial market dominance in China, concerns over potential national security breaches have led to restrictions on the use of foreign technology, including Tesla vehicles used by state companies and military personnel.
  • 🌐 US plans vast AI fleet to counter ChinaLINK

  • The U.S Department of Defense is reportedly planning a large network of AI-powered tech, drones, and autonomous systems to counter China threats.
  • Deputy Secretary of Defense, Kathleen Hicks, will outline some of these planned capabilities in air, land, and sea.
  • The Pentagon's plans involve using AI for autonomous systems that can detect and engage enemy targets, including self-piloting air and sea drones.
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    Qualcomm's CEO believes AI could revive the declining smartphone market, potentially triggering a new upgrade cycle highlighted at the upcoming Snapdragon Summit.LINK

    A software glitch in NATS system caused the UK's worst air traffic outage in a decade, delaying hundreds of flights due to duplicated flight plan identities.LINK

    Polestar plans to launch a smartphone, made in partnership with Chinese smartphone maker Xingji Meizu, alongside its Polestar 4 SUV in China.LINK

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