Thursday, September 7, 2023

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☕️ Apple is spending 'millions of dollars a day' on AI

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This is your daily dose of ☕️ Techpresso, where you get the latest tech news of the day effortlessly.

Here's the latest tech news from the last 24 hours:

🍎 Apple is spending 'millions of dollars a day' on AI
🤖 Anthropic launches a paid plan for its AI-powered chatbot
🏢 WeWork CEO says company is 'here to stay'
🔍 Google enforces transparency on AI-generated political ads
🔊 Clubhouse is pivoting from live audio to group messaging

🍎 Apple is spending 'millions of dollars a day' on AILINK

  • Apple is investing heavily in AI development, with millions of dollars a day being spent from its computing budget, including on a large language model currently used internally named Ajax.
  • A 16-member unit called "Foundational Models" is working on conversational AI, aiming to improve and expand Siri's capabilities, like automating more complex tasks such as creating GIFs from photos.
  • Alongside Ajax GPT, Apple is developing other AI products including multimodal AI for text-to-image generation and software for generating 3D scenes.
  • 🤖 Anthropic launches a paid plan for its AI-powered chatbotLINK

  • Anthropic has introduced Claude Pro, an AI chatbot that offers users a larger context capacity of 100K tokens compared to ChatGPT Plus's 32K, meaning it can handle longer and complex prompts.
  • This subscription model promises "at least 5 times more usage compared to the free version of Claude," catering to power users with a reset function every 8 hours for uninterrupted conversations.
  • Unlike OpenAI’s method, which requires human intervention, Anthropic’s innovative “Constitutional” training method allows the AI to self-improve, detect bad behaviors, and adapt its conduct based on a set of general rules.
  • 🏢 WeWork CEO says company is 'here to stay'LINK

  • WeWork CEO David Tolley announced in a public letter that the company is undertaking global negotiations to rework almost all of its leases, aiming to exit subpar and underperforming locations.
  • Despite facing financial struggles and dropping market cap, Tolley assures that WeWork is here to stay and plans to take immediate action to adjust their high-cost lease portfolio.
  • The company's cash reserves have significantly decreased to $205 million as of June, down from $287 million at the end of December and $625 million in mid-2022.
  • 🔍 Google enforces transparency on AI-generated political adsLINK

  • Google is now mandating that AI-generated political ads hosted on its platforms must have a clear disclaimer about the use of the technology.
  • The new policy, taking effect in November 2023, does not apply to content that is not paid for advertisement or where AI use is deemed "inconsequential" to the ad's claims.
  • This move from Google comes as the first from Big Tech companies as AI is increasingly being utilized for political campaigns and could potentially spread misinformation.
  • 🔊 Clubhouse is pivoting from live audio to group messagingLINK

  • Clubhouse, an audio-based social app, downsized by over fifty percent earlier this year following a decline in popularity.
  • The app has made a comeback with new updates, chief of which is "Chats", a voice-only chat forum for interactions among friends rather than a wider community.
  • The updated Clubhouse, prioritizing personal interactions and redesigned with a more colorful interface, is now available on both iOS and Android.
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    An AI-generated rap song mimicking Drake and The Weeknd has been submitted to the Grammy's, stirring discussions about AI's role in future music production.LINK

    OpenAI gears up for its inaugural developer conference catering to more than 2 million users of its services.LINK

    Google has in principle settled a nationwide lawsuit about its alleged monopolistic control over app distribution, pending approval from both sides and the courts.LINK

    JAXA's SLIM lunar lander, equipped with pinpoint landing technology, launched aboard Mitsubishi's H-IIA rocket, with XRISM satellite aiming for specific X-ray detection.LINK

    By 2030, Generative AI is projected to replace 2.4 million US jobs, particularly impacting white collar roles, with wider implications for those earning $90,000 or above; however, it's also expected to reshape rather than fully eliminate many positions.LINK

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